(continued from Used In Enquiry)

Deleting Service Options

Entire Service Options can be deleted, provided they are not being used by bookings. If a Service Option has been used in a booking (regardless of travel date), then a message will be displayed advising that the Service Option cannot be deleted.

To delete a Service Option, click the ‘Delete’ button.


Screen Shot 101: Delete Entire Service Option


Clicking the ‘Yes’ button will make the system test if the option has been used. If it has, then the following dialogue box displays:

Screen Shot 102: Service Used Unable to Delete Dialogue


If the Option has been used, the Used In Enquiry can be run to check which bookings/quotes it has been used in.

If it is necessary to prevent users accessing the service option, rather than deleting it, the ‘Deleted’ flag (here) can be set to ‘ON’.

(continued in Rate Maintenance)